“ I like to sit by the fire and take it easy after a hard day’s work,” said Alf lighting his pipe and stretching his legs.
“You’re very unlike Mr.Watkins in this way,”
said his wife reproachfully.(1)
“ Mr.Watkins? Who’s that?” asked Alf absent-mindedly picking up a detective story.
“Oh , that’s the gentleman that lives next door He wouldn’t dream of reading detective stories or solving crossword puzzles after tea. And how
dearly he must love his wife. You should have seen Mr. and Mrs. Watkins in the garden…
You can’t imagine how sweet they look as they
walk hand in hand along the paths
or across the grass , or else stop under an apple tree…”
“ I beg your pardon ,”said Alf raising his head and taking a puff at his pipe,”Who stops under an apple tree ?”
“Mr Watkins does, of course! He puts his arms
round Mrs. Watkins’ waist and applies his lips to hers or sits down on a bench kisses her! You never do that ,darling ,do you?”
“You women!” exclaimed Alf, “what complicated creatures (2) you are. Too complicated to be understood.How could I possibly kiss Mrs.Watkins , dear.
I haven’t been introduced to her formally and I expect (3) Mr. Watkins would be terribly jealous (4) if I did,wouldn’t he ?”
(Minh họa: hình ảnh internet- Yahoo)
Phát âm và nghiã
Âm tiết (syllable ) | ký âm (IPA) | nghiã |
(1) re·proach | /rɪ proʊtʃ/ | trách móc, chê trách |
(2) crea·ture | /krit ʃər / | sinh vật |
(3) ex-pect | /ɪk spɛkt/ | mong đợi- trông đợi |
(4) jeal-ous | /dʒɛl əs/ | ghen tuông- ghen tị ( tĩnh từ) |
jeal·ous·y | /dʒɛl ə si/ | (danh từ) |