Thứ Bảy, 12 tháng 3, 2011


Thời buổi nguời khôn của khó - Phật cao chín trượng, ma cao mười trượng
1. Coi chửng bọn bạc bịp !
Thời Báo
2. Don't Accept Free Key-Rings
Fr: Peter Tran*Bernie Tran*Jessie Le*lsw tam
3. How to Lock Your Car and Why!
Fr: Ng K Bao* Hue Nguyen

Ontario -Cảnh sát Hamilton vừa khuyến cáo mọi người đề phòng trò bạc bịp nhắm vào các doanh gia.Hiện đã có một nạn nhân bi thua bạc bịp gần chục ngàn Gia kim.
Hôm thứ Tư 09/3 ,Det.Jack Connolly, thuộc cảnh sát Hamilton,cho biết trò lừa này đã cũ rích nhưng ham vui một chút là dính.
Thủ đoạn của bọn lừa đảo là mời một doanh gia tới tham dự một cuộc làm ăn ở một chỗ bọn họ thuê sẵn.
Sau khi trò chuyện một chút về chuyện làm ăn,nạn nhân được mời vào bàn đang có người chơi poker,thế giùm cho một tay chơi bài vừa ra ngoài. Thoạt đầu nạn nhân được bọn bạc bịp thả cho ăn bộn tiền nên khi được mời ngồi lại chơi tiếp,ông ta đồng ý liền.Kết cuộc là nạn nhân cháy túi.
Cảnh sát e rằng có thể còn nhiều nạn nhân khác bị lừa kiểu này. Ai là nạn nhân hay biết thêm thông tin gì,xin liên lạc với cảnh sát Hamilton 905-546-4639,hay gọi ẩn danh cho Crime Stoppers: 1-800-222-8477. 

There is a syndicate of criminals presenting themselves as sales promoters who are giving free key-rings holders at gas stations or parking lots.
The key ring has a tracking device chip which allows them to follow you.
Please, please don't accept them. They select their seemingly well-to-do potential victims and if you accept, then you will be in for their tricks.

The key holders are very beautiful hard to resist accepting, but remember you may end up paying more than the key holder, including the risk to your life. Please advice your family members, email contacts, and friends as well.

3 .How to Lock Your Car and Why!
It'sNot a Joke! I locked my car. As I walked away I heard my car door unlock. I went back and locked my car again three times. Each time, as soon as I  started to walk away, I would hear it unlock again!! Naturally alarmed,  I looked around and there were two guys sitting in a car in the fire  lane next to the store. They were obviously watching me intently, and  there was no doubt they were somehow involved in this very weird situation. I quickly chucked the errand I was on, jumped in my car and 
sped away. I went straight to the police station, told them what had happened, and found out I was part of a   new, and very successful,  scheme being used to gain entry into cars .

 Two weeks later, my friend's  on had a similar happening..  
While traveling, my friend's son stopped at a roadside rest to use the bathroom. When he came out to his car less than 4-5 minutes later, someone had gotten into his car and stolen his cell phone, laptop 
computer, GPS navigator, briefcase … you name it. He called the police  and since there were no signs of his car being broken into, the police 
told him he had been a victim of the latest robbery tactic -- there is a 
device that robbers are using now to clone your security code when you 
lock your doors on your car using your key-chain locking device.  
They sit a distance away and watch for their next victim. They know you are going inside of the store, restaurant, or bathroom and that they now have a few minutes to steal and run. The police officer said to  manually lock your car door -by hitting the lock button inside the car  -- that way if there is someone sitting in a parking lot watching for 
their next victim, it will not be you.  
When you hit the lock button on your car upon exiting, it does not send the security code, but if you walk away and use the door lock on your  key chain, it sends the code through the airwaves where it can be instantly stolen.  
This is very real.  
Be wisely aware of what you just read and please pass this note on. Look 
how many times we all lock our doors with our remote just to be sure we 
remembered to lock them -- and bingo, someone has our code....and whatever was in our car.  
Snopes Approved --Please share with everyone you know